Together for a sustainable Future
We are a team of enthusiastic researchers, teachers, PhD students and postdocs working with water and nature for a sustainable future. Our core research expertise lies in environmental assessment and policy implementation, climate and hydrological modelling, biodiversity conservation, flood and drought hazards and statistical analysis of big data for a sustainable future.
Having worked closely with a diverse group of researchers and stakeholders on numerous projects , we have a strong understanding of the important environmental and societal issues, particularly those concerning the impacts of climate and environmental change on water and biodiversity. Interacting with people across numerous fields has provided us with a broad understanding of environmental systems and facilitated cross-fertilization of ideas and research results.
We have vast experience with stakeholder engagement, ranging from organizing workshops, to conducting interviews and surveys. We have worked with Region Gotland, the Swedish Forest Agency (Skogsstyrelsen), Swedish Food Agency (Livsmedelverket), Food and Agriculture Organisation and many more, demonstrating that we have a good avenue for getting our research into the arenas of environmental policy and management.
With more than 15 years of pedagogical knowledge, our scientific skills and our outreach experience, WaterNature4Future is evaluating the complexity and management strategies in a sustainable water-ecosystem-climate nexus.