Theme leader: WATER


Claudia Teutschbein

Associate Professor

I am a hydrologist with an educational background in physical geography, water management, and engineering. My research interests are broad and interdisciplinary in nature. My primary goal is to contribute to a better understanding of hydrological processes in a changing climate, their links to external meteorological, topographic and anthropogenic drivers, their implications for water quantity and quality at different spatio-temporal scales, and their socio-economic consequences.

Theme Leader: NATURE

Malgorzata Blicharska

Associate Professor

I work with environmental policy implementation, individual and organisational learning related to implementation of new policies and concepts, spatial planning for biodiversity conservation, environmental conflicts, public participation in environmental decision-making and ecosystem services. My research covers issues ranging from forest conservation and policy, through Nature Based Solutions in urban areas, to governance aspects of fish conservation and habitat restoration. I also work with socio-economic assessment of ecosystem services.






My interests revolve around theories and practice related to rural development, land use policy and environmental governance. I take an inclusive and collaborative approach to my research, with a strong track record of policy impact. I am an accredited facilitator and have trained over 200 postgraduate students in participatory skills for working with multiple stakeholders involved in complex environmental issues.



Associate Professor

My research focuses on spatial and temporal scaling of hydrodynamical and biogeochemical processes – with emphasis on the interface between land and water bodies. My principal research objective is to create a better understanding of the linkage between surface water quality and the interplay of shallow groundwater flow pathways and chemical buffering within the near-stream riparian zone. To achieve my research objectives, I combine field measurements with GIS-based landscape analysis and hydrological modeling.



Van den Heuvel


I focus on management and governance of recreational fisheries and fishing tourism. Through several case studies in Sweden I assess anglers’ attitudes, preferences and behavioral intentions in relation to their recreational fishing activities.



Senior Research Associate

I am Ricardo’s Director of Climate Adaptation & Resilience, leading internationally on all aspects of climate adaptation planning. My experience spans: evidence and policy development; policy, program and technical monitoring, evaluation and impact assessment; systematic rapid evidence assessment; natural resource management; and stakeholder involvement. My research interests relate to climate adaptation, the climate adaptation-mitigation nexus, biodiversity and sustainable development, ecosystem services, and the global North-South divide’s influence on research, policy and practice.




I am a civil engineer specialized in hydrology and water resources engineering at Belgrade University, Serbia. My research is focused on hydrologic modelling under changing and extreme hydroclimatic conditions. The key objectives of my research are to improve our understanding and, hence, our capacity to foresee catchment behavior under such conditions, and to use that knowledge to improve water resource management, particularly to reduce water-related hazards. To this end, I apply various rainfall-runoff models, statistical methods and GIS tools.




As a woman from a country with significant water scarcity, I’m concerned about hydro-climatological properties in changing environments. I have a keen interest in statistical and mathematical formulation of natural processes. My PhD research focused on bias correction of climate models and hydrological modeling for climate impact assessment. Now I work as a postdoc at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU). My postdoctoral research focuses on the impact of climate change in crop production, in different parts of the world. 





My major research interest is on understanding how lakes on Earth respond to a rapidly changing global environment. Much of the research is carried out within the Global Lake Ecological Observatory Network (GLEON). At present, I lead research focusing on changes in the quantity and quality of dissolved organic carbon in inland waters as these changes affect everything ranging from drinking water quality, biodiversity and greenhouse gas emission to global biogeochemical cycles. A special interest is also on lake ice cover dynamics and their effects on ecosystem services. The basis for the research are global, regional and local databases, including Sweden’s unique physical, chemical and biological freshwater long-term data series as well as field and laboratory experiments.

PhD Students



PhD student

I am an environmental engineer with a background in soil and water dynamics and natural resource management. My research focuses on the interaction between man and nature in the context of drought, looking at the socio-hydrological dynamics of the phenomenon. My research interests are interdisciplinary, fascinated by linking societal processes to natural and vice versa.



PhD student

I am a social scientist, specialized on conflict management and transformation in relation to water. In my research, I explore on various governance levels how society can advance sustainable solutions in the water sector for climate change mitigation, climate change adaptation, and biodiversity conservation – all while catering to the needs of a broad range of stakeholders. To do so, I employ inter alia methods for policy analysis and stakeholder engagement.



PhD student

With a broad background in physics and Earth science, I’ve always been fascinated with the dynamical aspect of our world (which remains remarkably similar across disicplines). With the addition of my love of computer science, I have been lucky enough to find a niche subject where I get to study how to employ machine learning to improve our understanding and predictive capabilities of complex systems. Specifically, I’m studying how our most vital and yet dwindling resources and services – water, energy, food, and ecosystems – interact, using these new machine-learning techniques.




PhD Student

I have an interdisciplinary background with an educational background in physical geography and environmental communication. In my research I focus on deliberative democracy with a special focus on deliberative mini-publics (DMPs) in an environmental governance context. I have an interest in process design, facilitation and the wider implications of DMPs on the deliberative system within which they are implemented. My research aims to contribute to environmental governance through Swedish case studies exploring the value of citizen deliberation in various multifunctional landscapes.

Sara Camiolo

PhD student

I am an agronomist and environmental scientist with focus on sustainable water resources management and understanding of aquatic ecosystems. In my research, I examine how the restoration of drained wetlands affects the hydrological functioning of peatlands under varying spatiotemporal conditions. 



recruited 2025


Project description to come


recruited 2025


Project description to come